Minister Karien van Gennip (Social Affairs and Employment) has shared the Labor Market Outline Letter with the House of Representatives. This is the next step in making the labor market future-proof. It is important to outline clear frameworks for the self-employed, clients, intermediaries and implementing organizations immediately after the summer recess. A Labor Market Policy Committee debate is scheduled for Thursday, September 8, an appropriate time to follow up on the contents of the letter.
Role of flex in the labor market
It is good to read that "flexible labor plays a useful role in the labor market. This recognition is correct and corresponds to daily practice. The right degree of flexibility is good for the labor market. It allows organizations to move flexibly with economic and social developments. At the same time, partly unjustifiably, there is also attention for the lesser aspects of flexible work. Obviously, politicians are looking for the right balance, but the discussion about flexible work needs to be placed in perspective with the right nuance. The Self-Employed Labor Survey (ZEA) 2021 shows, among other things, that the lion's share of flexible workers, mainly self-employed, are very satisfied with their working conditions and consciously choose to do so. A factual discussion is crucial to arrive at solutions that actually support the workers who need them.
Labor relations act and SER opinion
The replacement of the DBA law plays a major role in the zzp dossier. The fact that the Outline Letter pays specific attention to the Belgian Labor Relations Act and the MLT opinion of the SER makes me feel positive. In previous position papers, reports and discussions with stakeholders in The Hague, we have fully committed to the Belgian model. As a result, it is now on the political and official agenda. The legal presumption of employment for vulnerable workers below the hourly rate of €35 (MLT advice from the SER) is also a step in the right direction. I agree with the government's position that it can strengthen the position of vulnerable people in the labor market. Whether the Tax and Customs Administration and the UWV can actually implement it is the question, because here too it is ultimately about reliable and good implementation.
Sufficient freedom the higher end
If the government maintains a focus on sectors where the risk of underpayment is greatest, the intermediary industry will be given the responsibility to ensure that the higher end works optimally. This requires clear agreements with independent professionals and clients. I will gladly continue to seek that cooperation with the government.