HeadFirst Group is a leading, international full-service HR services provider. It also has the largest platform for temporary work for professionals, offering total talent solutions with a perfect combination of tech and touch. To achieve this, it is essential that the security of the platform and IT infrastructure is and remains secured. It is in the interest of HeadFirst Group's stakeholders that this is done with the utmost care.
To achieve this, the HeadFirst Group board maintains and improves a management process (Information Security Management System, ISMS) in accordance with ISO27001.
This enables HeadFirst Group to:
- Securing and standardizing information security in primary - and secondary processes;
- Provide testable assurance of our information security to clients and partners;
- Continuously improve our information security;
- Mitigate critical - and high risks regarding the loss of availability, confidentiality and/or integrity of information;
- Mitigate mean risks related to the loss of availability, confidentiality and/or integrity of information where these contribute to the achievement of HeadFirst Group objectives.
To accomplish the above, the Board of HeadFirst Group will:
1. Be the example in ensuring information security;
2. Review this policy every two years or immediately if there are major changes;
3. Perform (or have performed) the other responsibilities from the ISMS.
Should you wish to inform us of a data breach or other information security incident, or a possible data breach, please notify us at security@headfirst.nl.