Wednesday, Dec. 7, during the Committee on Disability debate, mandatory disability insurance (AOV) was discussed. Plans that only a third of the highly educated self-employed support. However, almost half are in favor if self-insurance is allowed as an alternative. HeadFirst Group supports the principle of an AOV for all self-employed, but choice is a crucial success factor.

AOV with proper choices important
By Jan. 1, 2025, there must be a law for self-employed persons to be compulsorily insured against disability. A simple AOV can be implemented by 2027, more customization means postponement to 2029. Minister Karien van Gennip of Social Affairs and Employment is investigating customization in the form of an opt-out scheme.

Mandatory AOV is significant to protect vulnerable self-employed workers and provide security. At the same time, we must keep an eye on the diversity of the self-employed population with different assignments, starting motives and hourly rates. The option for self-insurance, at least equal in content to the public AOV, can count on support because it fits well with the different wishes and needs of this group of workers.y

Half of self-employed people have nothing arranged yet
Currently, just under half of self-employed people have covered the risks of occupational disability themselves - for example, through a private party or a mutual fund. The most important reasons for highly educated self-employed workers to take out insurance is that they are unwilling (58 percent) or unable (17 percent) to bear the financial risk themselves. Another 11 percent cannot fall back on their partner's income.

Of the self-employed who have not taken out disability insurance, 31 percent say they can bear the financial risk. Furthermore, over a quarter feel the costs do not outweigh the benefits and 15 percent consider the risk of disability low.

For self-employed people who have not yet arranged anything if they become disabled, HeadFirst Group has a low-threshold provision: Select iCommunity Crowdsurance (SiCC). This is a provision based on a donation circle. This also matches the desire of self-employed workers to bridge the 52-week own risk period with a bread fund - desired by 12 percent of research participants - or to shorten the waiting period (35 percent).


Note to editors:
The results of the 'AOV Opinion Monitor 2022' have been compiled in an infographic, which is attached. For more information, contact Natasja Spooren, Teamlead Communications at HeadFirst Group, reachable on 06 - 151 924 85 or