'The self-employed person does not exist' is a cliché that has regularly recurred in the political-social debate in recent years. It indicates that the total group of more than one million self-employed persons without personnel is very diverse. This makes policy development difficult. To arrive at future-proof and implementable policies, facts and figures are crucial. Therefore, ZiPconomy, HeadFirst Group and ONL for Entrepreneurs presented the report 'The zzp'er wélél! Facts about the self-employed without staff'.
What facts and figures stand out? What are the conclusions in a nutshell. Hugo-Jan Ruts (founder and editor-in-chief of ZiPconomy) presented the most important insights. And what can or should these mean for the coalition agreement and policy of a new cabinet? In a round table discussion Frits Huffnagel (founder Castro Communicatie) discussed this with Irene van Hest (Sector Head FNV Zelfstandigen), Ronald Dekker (Labor Economist TNO), Han Kolff (CEO HeadFirst Group) and Hans Biesheuvel (Co-founder ONL.
Participants were invited to join online and actively participate in this by asking questions of the table guests and responding to statements and polls. Check back on the roundtable discussion below:
About the report
With the report 'The self-employed do exist. Facts about the self-employed without staff' - compiled by independent knowledge platform ZiPconomy - HeadFirst Group and ONL for Entrepreneurs present valuable facts, figures and insights about the self-employed. The goal: to map the heterogeneity and diversity of the target group and raise the public debate about the labor market to a higher level.