Men listen better to men. And we need more men using that privilege

Numerous studies underscore the benefits of gender equality in management teams. Yet most leadership positions are still held by men. While this is often seen as a cause of inequality, we believe this presents an unparalleled opportunity for men to take a proactive role in promoting gender equality within organizations. How they can do this was discussed at the Men as Advocates for Women's Visibility, a well-attended Summit where both Chairman of the Board Han Kolff and Managing Director Professionals & Partners Services Florine Onderwijzer were on stage.

To benefit from diversity, organizations must create a culture where equality is valued and where differences are seen as opportunities to learn and interact. Men have an important role in fostering positive change by using their influence and privilege to promote equality. This requires actively listening to others, having difficult conversations and speaking out against behaviors that get in the way of a culture of learning, respect and equality. It is not an easy task, but those who are truly committed to these actions will understand that a diverse workforce is better, even though it may seem more difficult at first. In doing so, they will also realize that increasing the visibility and representation of women comes from the collective effort of committing to these actions and the lessons learned along the way.

"You can't do it alone"

BrandedU aims to increase the visibility of women in business and achieve equal gender representation in leadership roles. That's why BrandedU launched "Men as Advocates" three years ago: an annual event to invite men to the conversation about gender equality. The third edition in June 2023 was all about turning strategies into action and about being able to learn from the efforts of other (male) advocates. All the outcomes of this event have been compiled in an inspiring white paper.

Download the white paper here > whitepaper23 (